
CBRN Warning and Reporting Specialist Course was organized at the JCBRN Defence COE from 14th to 18th October 2013 in accordance with POW for year 2013, (Successful pilot course was organized at the COE in October 2012). Eleven students from five countries participated on the course (SVK, GRE, POL, DEU and HUN).

The Training Exercises and Education Department Director COL Vratislav OSVALD welcomed all attendees and instructors and officially opened the course. The course director, LTC VRÁBEL, also welcomed all students and introduced course to the trainees.

The COE designed the course to train and qualify students in warning, reporting and hazard prediction of CBRN incidents.  It also served to strengthen the knowledge, skills and habits of members of the CBRN Warning and Reporting Centre by sharing common experiences and challenges, as well as CBRN Warning and Reporting exercises intended to enhance professionalism.
Five days long course was divided in to two blocks. Warning and reporting system manual procedures in accordance with ATP-45 D was covered within first two days. Remaining three days were dedicated to Warning and Reporting Software. Students underwent theoretical lessons and CAX on CBRN Analysis version 13.0. Bruhn New Tech Company delivered the latest version of the CBRN Analysis software to the JCBRN Defence COE based on the bilateral agreement between Bruhn New Tech Company and JCBRN Defence COE. This SW is not only used for Warning and Reporting Specialist Course but also for CBRN Analysis Super User Course.

Numerous external organizations supported the course in addition to lessons supplied by instructors from the JCBRN COE.  The Czech Area Control Centre located in Hostivice provided two instructors, SGT Ladislav KOJZAR and CPT Jan WIEDERLECHNER.  The Bruhn New Tech Company provided Subject Matter Expert Mr. Erik Schmidt NIELSEN for better understanding of updated version of this NATO standard hazard prediction tool. Mr. PAIL from the JCBRN COE’s Modeling and Simulation Section provided a briefing on the capabilities and software available at the COE.

Mr. Alexander KLEIN project manager of CBRN Warning and Reporting System – NEWS introduced and practically demonstrated the NEWS during the course. The NEWS is a software system which can be used to calculate both complex dispersal situations and warning and hazard areas according to NATO standard ATP-45. The NEWS is currently deployed in the German Air Force's new Surface-to-Air-Missile Operation Centre (SAMOC) as the WMD evaluation module.


Text Author: WO1 Pavel DAVID

Photo: Mr. Vladimr BEZDEK and WO1 Pavel DAVID

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